Grassland bird research in a community pasture
We studied three species of grassland birds that nest in the Grey Dufferin Community Pasture to learn about habitat use and the impacts of grazing during the nesting season.
We studied three species of grassland birds that nest in the Grey Dufferin Community Pasture to learn about habitat use and the impacts of grazing during the nesting season.
We worked with cattle and sheep farmers to develop custom stewardship practices for each farm based on the nesting locations of grassland birds and farm operations.
In collaboration with Monica Fromberger at Trent University, we quantified relationships between Bobolink nest success and local, landscape, and temporal variables.
We assessed the efficacy of low-intensity surveys (i.e., transect surveys, point counts) to estimate Bobolink abundance and detect evidence of breeding to improve methods for assessing the impact of stewardship actions.