Project Description
Background: Hayfields and pastures on farms in Ontario are primarily used for agriculture; they are also ecologically important, including by providing substantial nesting habitat for many species of grassland birds. Grassland bird populations have declined more steeply than any other group of birds in Canada since 1970¹. Our previous grassland bird research projects primarily focused on Bobolink and Eastern Meadowlark, both listed as threatened provincially and federally. This project began with a focus on Grasshopper Sparrow, a rarer species with many knowledge gaps and few conservation efforts in Ontario. The Grasshopper Sparrow population in Ontario has decreased by ~75% since 1970 and is listed as special concern. In 2022, we began researching Grasshopper Sparrows to learn more about this under-studied species and engage the agricultural community in stewardship for grassland birds in Grey County. In 2023, we expanded the project to include Bobolink and Eastern Meadowlark.
Project work 2022: To increase knowledge about the distribution, abundance, and habitat associations of Grasshopper Sparrows and to locate study sites for field research, we surveyed 495 acres of hayfield, pasture, and fallow grassland on 10 farms in Grey County and the surrounding area in late spring. We visited each farm twice to conduct transect surveys, recording all grassland bird species at risk detected. To learn more about Grasshopper Sparrow nesting ecology, the impacts of farm management, and the effectiveness of stewardship actions, we conducted intensive field research on 8 farms. On 7 of the 8 farms, stewardship was implemented to support Grasshopper Sparrow nest success. We monitored 31 Grasshopper Sparrow territories to determine if males were paired, the timing of nesting, if pairs nested successfully, if they raised multiple broods, and the impact of farm management and stewardship. Overall, we monitored 40 Grasshopper Sparrow nesting attempts across 228 acres of habitat. We also collected vegetation data, including vegetation height, density, composition, and dominant species in fields occupied by nesting Grasshopper Sparrows on 5 of the 8 farms.
Project work 2023: In spring 2023, we continued to focus on the Grasshopper Sparrow and expanded the scope of the project to include Bobolink and Eastern Meadowlark. In late May and early June, we surveyed 550 acres of grassland habitat across 13 farms in Grey and Wellington Counties to estimate the distribution and abundance of grassland birds at risk on each farm. For the remainder of the field season, we monitored nesting Grasshopper Sparrows, Bobolinks, and Eastern Meadowlarks in target fields on 9 farms. On 8 of the 9 farms, farmers implemented stewardship to reduce negative impacts of agricultural activities on nesting grassland birds, increasing the chances of successful nesting. Overall, we monitored 79 grassland bird territories and 114 nesting attempts across 298 acres of agricultural grassland. We also collected vegetation data at all 28 monitored Grasshopper Sparrow nests.
Project work 2024: We continued working with all 3 grassland bird species on farms in 2024. Similar to the previous 2 years, we surveyed 662 acres of grassland across 15 farms in Grey and Wellington Counties. We monitored nesting of our 3 focal species on 9 farms and all 9 farms implemented stewardship to benefit nesting birds. Overall, we monitored 212 acres of hayfield, pasture, and fallow grassland for nesting activity, 65 breeding territories, and 104 nesting attempts. Additionally, we continued to collect vegetation data at Grasshopper Sparrow nests.
Conservation implications: On each of the 25 farms where we conducted intensive grassland bird monitoring from 2022 to 2024 (1 farm was monitored in 2 years), we provided farmers with information about territory and nest locations, nesting status, and guidance on stewardship actions they could implement to increase nest success throughout the breeding season. Stewardship actions implemented on farms included delayed haying and grazing, excluding livestock from or mowing around areas with active nests, and modifying grazing rotations to minimize disturbance to nesting birds. In the fall, we disseminated individualized reports to farmers that summarized the impact of stewardship actions and included site-specific recommendations to provide long-term conservation benefits to Grasshopper Sparrows, Bobolinks, and Eastern Meadowlarks. The information shared during the field season and in reports provides farmers with practical guidance that can be used to make future management decisions to minimize negative impacts on these species at risk, thereby increasing opportunities for these birds to successfully raise young.
¹ Birds Canada and Environment and Climate Change Canada. 2024. The State of Canada’s Birds.
Project Details
Project dates: 2022 – 2024
Funding: Support for this project was provided by Environment and Climate Change Canada, the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks, The McLean Foundation, Hodgson Family Foundation, K.M. Hunter Charitable Foundation, Gordon & Patricia Gray Animal Welfare Foundation, Willow & Grace Foundation, Emerald Foundation, S. M. Blair Family Foundation, Jackman Foundation, Colleges and Institutes Canada, ECO Canada, Canada Summer Jobs, and individual donors.
This project was undertaken with the financial support of the Government of Canada.
Ce projet a été réalisé avec l’appui financier du gouvernement du Canada.
This project has received funding support from the Government of Ontario. Such support does not indicate endorsement by the Government of Ontario of the contents of this material.
We used behavioural observations and nest monitoring to assess breeding status, visiting each Grasshopper Sparrow, Bobolink, and Eastern Meadowlark territory about twice per week for the duration of the nesting season.
Photo: Misha McCaughan
Rotational grazing in this pasture provided Grasshopper Sparrows opportunities to nest successfully in 2022. Two sections of pasture were left ungrazed until late in the nesting season (mid-July). Two other sections were grazed in late May and early June, then rested for about 8 weeks, providing enough time for birds to raise young between grazing occasions.
Photo: Zoé Lebrun-Southcott
Grasshopper Sparrow nests are built directly on the ground, hidden by vegetation, and often have a partial roof. Females alone incubate the eggs.
Photo: Zoé Lebrun-Southcott
In 2023 and 2024, we also monitored Bobolinks and Eastern Meadowlarks.
This male Bobolink had just taken flight from the stick placed 2 metres from his nest to mark its location for monitoring. The hay harvest was delayed in this field to protect many Bobolink nests.
Photo: Xuan Zhang
This young Bobolink fledged from its nest a few days before this photo was taken. When Bobolink young leave the nest, they have no tail, are unable to fly, and are dependent on their parents for food.
Photo: Hanna Kirchmeir
For additional information about grassland birds and more landowner resources, visit