Grassland bird conservation on farms
In 2022, we surveyed for Grasshopper Sparrows and monitored nest success to learn more about the distribution, abundance, nesting ecology, and impact of agricultural activities on this under-studied species. We also worked with farmers to study the impact of stewardship actions. In 2023, we expanded this project to include Bobolink and Eastern Meadowlark.
Grassland conversion, bird surveys, and conservation research
To learn more about the loss of grassland bird nesting habitat in Ontario, we are assessing grassland conversion based on existing land cover data. We also conducted field research to provide stewardship information to farmers and evaluate light spring grazing as a conservation strategy for nesting Bobolinks.
Grassland bird research in a community pasture
We studied three species of grassland birds that nest in the Grey Dufferin Community Pasture to learn about habitat use and the impacts of grazing during the nesting season.
Grassland bird stewardship on farms
We worked with cattle and sheep farmers to develop custom stewardship practices for each farm based on the nesting locations of grassland birds and farm operations.
Bobolink nest success
In collaboration with Monica Fromberger at Trent University, we quantified relationships between Bobolink nest success and local, landscape, and temporal variables.
Monitoring Bobolink stewardship
We assessed the efficacy of low-intensity surveys (i.e., transect surveys, point counts) to estimate Bobolink abundance and detect evidence of breeding to improve methods for assessing the impact of stewardship actions.
Testing grazing strategies for Bobolink
We collaborated with the Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association and beef farmers in the Ottawa Valley to investigate rotational-grazing strategies to support Bobolink conservation in pastures.
Bobolink dispersal after hay harvest
We used radio telemetry to track adult Bobolink dispersal following hay harvesting during the nesting season.
Bobolink and Eastern Meadowlark habitat use
We conducted surveys in four watersheds in southern Ontario to assess Bobolink and Eastern Meadowlark habitat use across agricultural land-cover types.
Prairie Warbler project
Based on a species distribution model, we surveyed for Prairie Warblers across the southern edge of the Canadian Shield to address an important knowledge gap about the distribution of this rare songbird in Ontario.
Barn Swallows and social cues
We investigated if social cues (Barn Swallow decoys and audio recordings) could be used as a conservation tool to attract birds to new nesting structures.
Cerulean Warbler surveys
We conducted surveys for Cerulean Warblers in the Frontenac Arch Biosphere Reserve. This work was part of a multi-year project led by the Canadian Wildlife Service and Bird Studies Canada to assess the distribution and abundance of Cerulean Warblers across the Frontenac region.
Louisiana Waterthrush surveys
We surveyed for Louisiana Waterthrush at historical locations and predicted suitable habitat along the Oak Ridges Moraine. This research was conducted for the Canadian Wildlife Service as part of their efforts to assess the distribution of Louisiana Waterthrush in previously under-surveyed areas in Ontario.
Louisiana Waterthrush habitat metrics
We assessed GIS-based environmental conditions and available water quality data for locations where Louisiana Waterthrush were detected along the Niagara Escarpment from 1981 to 2013.